Remove admin bar wordpress backend and frontend

So, as mentioned above, supposedly the new Toolbar is meant to be impossible to remove. The reason for this is that the new Toolbar is a combination between the old Admin Bar and the Dashboard Header.

If you remove the Toolbar, then you are effectively removing the Dashboard Header, which is something the folks at WordPress don’t think you should be doing.

Is it Impossible to Remove the Toolbar?

The toolbar, where the Admin Bar was in old versions, contains vital links for you to log-out, and the links to go back to the main site. It CANNOT be disabled, and has no hooks to be disabled it. Besides if you are using Multisite, all the network admin links are in there.

On the other hand you CAN however turn it off on the front end in your profile. Remember this is only for your profile.

If you would like to accomplish the same thing for all your users (remember this is just for the front end toolbar) you can place the following into your functions.php file.

There are also tons of plugins that can help you a hide the toolbar. You can get one from here:

Some are using the same practice explained here and some are only hiding it using css. Note that if you are using CSS the admin toolbar is still loaded but not displayed to the user.


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