WordPress automatic database optimization and repair

Did you know that WordPress websites accumulate overhead due to SQL queries that are being processed.  Overhead when referring to databases, is the temporary disk space that it is used to run some of the queries. This overhead is bad for table scan, i. e. when your query needs to run over all table values, it will need to look at more empty space.

Every database will, over time, require some form of maintenance to keep it at an optimal performance level. Purging deleted rows, resequencing, compressing, managing index paths, defragmenting, etc. is what is known as optimization in mysql and other terms in other databases. Continue reading “WordPress automatic database optimization and repair”

Remove the URL field from the WordPress comment form

Here is a simple code snippet to remove the URL field from WordPress comment form.

Marking as spam all the comments that have very long URLs in the website field will help you tackle spammers. However, if you find that spam is getting out of control, you may want to consider removing the website URL field altogether.

If you implement the snippet below and configure your WordPress discussion settings so that any comment with a link is held for moderation; you can effectively stop all spam entirely. Continue reading “Remove the URL field from the WordPress comment form”

Mark comments with very long URLs as SPAM in WordPress

To mark comments with very long URLs as SPAM in WordPress you must have access to the theme  functions.php  file and permission to edit it.

Spammers frequently use links to web pages that have very long URLs. Therefore, if someone publishes a comment on your WordPress site and enters a very long URL in the comment field, there is a high possibility that the comment was published by a spammer. Continue reading “Mark comments with very long URLs as SPAM in WordPress”

Complete case study: WordPress Multisite Network Installation for a Real (Estate) Website

Before start working with WPMU (WordPress MultiSite)

I have done this for a Real Estate website, but it applies to any niche out there. / documentation
Install as usual

  • If you would like to install WP in a directory, do it before anything else. Install WP and make sure that all permalinks works fine. Copy (not move)
    index.php on site root and change:

Continue reading “Complete case study: WordPress Multisite Network Installation for a Real (Estate) Website”