How to embed video into a website – Ultimate tutorial

Embedding a video into HTML website seems an easy task, but there really are lots of aspects to take into consideration when you insert a video:

  • File size and format (extensions and codecs)
  • Browser and platform compatibility
  • User internet connection (mobile vs desktop devices)
  • Server resources (bandwidth, CPU, RAM)
  • Privacy and data owning
  • Content visibility and engagement

Therefore, depending on where you will insert the video and the application you use, you will be affected by some of the above or not. So let’s get our hands on it and do a step by step research about what is the simplest way to embed a video. Continue reading “How to embed video into a website – Ultimate tutorial”

Cool CSS animation effects using transitions, rotations and postioning

This is not a tutorial about CSS transition effect and does no pretend to show the functionality of this CSS property. But anyway, if few words the css transition effect provide a way to control the speed of animation changes to CSS properties.

For example, if you change the color of an element from white to black, normally the change is instantaneous. With CSS transitions enabled, the change occurs over an interval of time you can specify, following an acceleration curve you can customize.
Continue reading “Cool CSS animation effects using transitions, rotations and postioning”